Specialised in the propagation and cultivation of a

wide range of ornamental shrubs grafted

on various trunk heights

Partly due to the confidence of our business relations in our
working methods, we are even more inspired to improve
the level of our range of products


Click on the photo above to enlarge the photos and open the gallery.

For the propagation of our plants, certified starting material is the basis for a good start. With virus-free or virus-tested planting material, not only a healthy but also a high-quality product is grown. A slow-release fertiliser is added to the potting soil of our container plants, so that the plant has at least sixteen months of nutrition.

By carrying out activities such as potting/planting, feeding and pruning on time, the infection pressure remains low. This limits the use of crop protection agents.

Upon delivery, all plants are provided with our photo-label, on which plant information is given in four languages. The “EG PlantenPassoort NL” and our phytosanitary number 120311852, and where necessary the PZ code, are also stated on the label as official documents.

The “EG PlantenPaspoort NL” and the PZ code details are stated as standard on the delivery documents.

Our product range

Discover our wide range of products via the photos below or click on the button to view our product range page.